I am an Assistant Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs at Northeastern University. Before joining Northeastern, I was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at The Fletcher School of Global Affairs at Tufts University. My fieldwork-intensive research examines civil war, ethnic violence, and the politics of victimhood, with a regional focus on the former Yugoslavia. I am an interdisciplinary researcher with a PhD in anthropology, an MA in sociology, and a BA in international studies.

My research has been published in Journal of Refugee Studies, Anthropological Quarterly, Ethnicities, and American Ethnologist, and has received awards from ISA, AAA, ASA, ASN, CHA, and BASEES.

My first book, The Inner Zone: Victimhood and Retribution inside the Siege of Sarajevo is under contract with The University of Pennsylvania Press. It is based on my dissertation, which was awarded a Dean’s Convocation Medal from Simon Fraser University.